Friday, April 17, 2020

What the Hell Is Going On?

Let's start with this. It happened Friday morning.
For a few days I've been struggling to figure out why the hell FoxNews is pushing for us to fire up the business sector, why Dr. Oz is encouraging us to open the schools, why deplorables are marching on state capitals--using DeVos money, no less... I've been at a loss to figure out what's motivating people to promote as massive escalation in coronavirus infections.

I mean, we know these people are corrupt. Just yesterday Senator Kelly Loeffler thanked Donald Trump for putting her on the task force for reopening America. This is the same Kelly Loeffler who told us all everything would be ok while she was dumping stock and buying up investments in a company that makes protective gear for medical professionals.

And we knew they did sham policy initiatives before releasing guidelines for reopening society that included no plan for testing, an essential for opening anything.

But I have to tell you, I have no idea why Trump is pushing this. It makes no policy sense. Most Americans oppose it by far, so it makes no political sense. Even business leaders tried to dissuade Trump from opening without sufficient testing.
Honestly, the only thing that makes sense doesn't make sense. That would be that Donald Trump's actual aim is to create instability in the United States of America. I don't think we can rule that out.

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