Monday, August 3, 2020

"Extensive and Protracted Criminal Conduct"

Seeking Donald Trump's tax records, New York DA Cyrus Vance cited public reports of "extensive and protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization." According to a court filing,
These reports describe transactions involving individual and corporate actors based in New York County, but whose conduct at times extended beyond New York’s borders. This possible criminal activity occurred within the applicable statutes of limitations, particularly if the transactions involved a continuing pattern of conduct.
cited several newspaper articles, including one in the Washington Post examining allegations that Trump had a practice of sending out financial statements to potential business partners and banks that inflated the worth of his properties by claiming they were bigger or more potentially lucrative than they were.
It really is about the corruption, which continues through government even now.

Deutsche Bank is conducting an internal investigation of the banker who supplied "favorable" loans to Trump and to Jared Kushner, including why said banker bought a $1.5 million apartment from a company partially owned by Kushner.

In June Trump thanked Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn for blocking legislation that would require campaigns to report receiving foreign assistance. 

After the Senate refused to act on Trump's nomination of retired Gen. Anthony Tata as Defense undersecretary for policy, Trump simply appointed him as "the official Performing the Duties of...."

All skeevy, all the time. 

It's taken the pandemic to sour key supporters on Trump, opening the space for people to see just how corrupt his government is. In current pandemic news,
  • Today the FDA "revoked the emergency use authorization (EUA) that allowed for chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine."
  • Barron Trump's private school announced online-only learning for the time being while Trump cajoles schools into opening. 
  • Most alarming, yesterday Dr. Deborah Birx told CNN's Dana Bash that we're in a world of hurt. "What we are seeing today is different from March and April. It is extraordinarily widespread. It's into the rural as equal urban areas." She even advised people who live with elderly relatives to wear masks in the home.
  • Finally, just read this by an Arizona public school superintendent. 
And isn’t it fun to check this out? Once busted, Trump deleted his ridiculous tweet.


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