Monday, September 21, 2020

Some Very Bad Ish

While our eyes are focused on the Supreme Court, Donald Trump is rolling out other aspects of an authoritarian agenda, and quickly. Today the DOJ labeled Seattle, Portland, and New York as "anarchist jurisdictions," whateverthefuck that means, as a pretext for withdrawing federal funds. 

In response to FBI Director Christopher Wray saying the Russians at it again, and the CDC saying a vaccine will take a long time, we got this from Trump.

It goes on and on. This week the CDC posted, then pulled down, guidance that said the coronavirus passes not just in droplets but in aerosols--in other words, it spreads way farther than 6 feet, especially in indoor venues. This is bizarre because the WHO was on the case about this months ago. But apparently the CDC can't release scary news.

And it's still about Russia. Asked who he thinks poisoned Alexey Navalny with Russia's nerve agent of choice, Trump just couldn't say Putin. Not even in a whisper. "Uh... we'll talk about that at another time."

Russia, you say? Lawyers for WikiLinks founder Julian Assange told a British court that Trump offered Assange a pardon for clearing up the 2016 Russian interference story. Right? 

This one is probably silly, but Trump's latest campaign is to accuse Joe Biden of taking performance enhancing drugs. I mean, if he can drive a sports car and ride a bicycle, there must be some nefarious explanation, right? He trotted out that line at a Minnesota rally, where he also offered this gem straight from the Nazi Handbook of Modern Nephrology. This one's not so silly. It's damn terrifying.

You have good genes, you know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn't it, don't you believe? The racehorse theory. You think we're so different? You have good genes in Minnesota.

You might say none of these is as big a deal as the Supreme Court. Maybe you're right. But remember, they take advantage of spotlights to do skeevy little things in the dark.

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