Thursday, March 18, 2021

Fox News Will Kill You; The GOP Just Hates You

Ever since the pandemic settled in, I've wondered if the Republican Party is a death cult. I can't explain why would it lead people to deny the science, reject masks, and gather for mass rallies. 

Even today, though, Fox News is out front telling people not to trust the vaccines. Media Matters documents how their evening talk shows promote conspiracy theories and outright lies, even while they push the threat that the government is going to force people to be vaccinated. But why?

If it's all to make Joe Biden look bad, it's a horrible strategy. It works only on a few people who already hate Democrats. I just don't know.

Then there's Senator Marsh Blackburn. While we were first processing the news that a young White man had murdered 8 people, six of them Asian American women working in massage parlors, Blackburn takes advantage of the opportunity to tweet this:

Given the context, Blackburn essentially waved the, "I'm a racist" flag, indicating her disdain for Asian Americans and for all who hate racism.

Finally, Brian Taylor Cohen updates us on the House resolution to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Capitol Police for protecting the Capitol during the January 6 insurrection. 

Remarkably, Blackburn was not among the Dirty Dozen. 

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