Friday, November 13, 2020

Be Vigilant: This Ain’t Over

Sure, they called Arizona for Biden last night. I know Darth Vader Karl Rove says it’s time for Republicans to acknowledge the election. And yes, the DHS called the election the “most secure ever.” We all love it when Trump legal claims get just laughed out of court

None of that rules out the Republicans trying (again) to steal the election. First the theory, then the evidence. The theory is that Trump is an authoritarian who will not cede power unless he’s forced to do so.  He has stirred up millions and millions of followers to believe the election was rigged. I’ve spoken to them. You have too. These are otherwise competent people who also bought into hydroxychloroquine. Notice that key Republicans, like Mike Pompeo and Kevin McCarthy keep saying they don’t expect or they don’t know that Biden will be inaugurated.

It all looks like a storm stirred up to soothe Trump’s bruised ego, maybe an attempt to negotiate some leverage for his safe exit from power. I still think it’s highly likely things won’t escalate beyond this point. 

But vigilance is called for. Two GOP strategists from Michigan are sending up the alert: there’s a GOP scheme to void the popular vote in key states, handing them over to their Republican state legislatures. It would require enormous bad faith, maybe even criminal conduct, but it’s out there. And there are GOP legislators in Pennsylvania who are up for it. 

And here’s the risk. When have these Republicans ever shown the backbone to say no to Trump and his armies of highly dedicated supporters? The longer this lasts, the deeper the division that sets in, the more likely they are to step forward and cross the line.

The GOP committed itself to ruling as a minority years ago. Don’t assume it won’t cross the ultimate line.

I hope I’m wrong.

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