Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Happy Veterans' Day

 I was raised in Alabama, surrounded by men I loved and admired (all men in my case) who served in World War 2 and in Vietnam. I stood beside my Uncle Norman, born 1909, who stood ramrod straight when the band played the national anthem for high school football games, often with a tear breaking out and running down his cheek. You don't forget a thing like that. During my lifetime my Uncle Bernie flew active missions over Vietnam. I heard lots of the stories, not all of them grand or heroic.

As liberal as I am, I am a patriot. And I am grateful for our veterans and active service members. 

So let me share two stories. is reporting that GOP lists of Nevada "criminal" voter fraud cases include hundreds of active service members and family members. One, the wife of an Air Force major, says

To see my integrity challenged, along with other members of the military to be challenged in this way, it is a shock. And to be potentially disenfranchised because of these actions, that's not OK.

Meanwhile, Bill Kristol describes the scene at the Department of Defense as top-level officials, having been fired as retaliation for who knows what, left the building.

A sign of the loyalty-oath atmosphere now at DOD: When Jim Anderson was fired yesterday as Acting Under Secretary for Policy, he was given a "clap-out" as he left the building. The WH called to request names of any political appointees who joined in so they could be fired.

Remember, what Donald Trump is doing—withholding information from the Biden transition and disrupting the Department of Defense—is wreaking the country at an already-vulnerable moment. There’s no patriotism here.

Tell me again why you think Donald Trump loves the military. And tell me why you think he's not a fascist. 

Tell me those things because right now state legislators are contemplating reversing the election results. From Vox reporter Andrew Prokop.

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