Friday, February 21, 2020

Banana Republic Stuff

Can't remember who said it, but we're not in danger of becoming a banana republic: we already live in one.

Trump is already purging "disloyal" members from his administration and from non-partisan government offices. Ideally, our government relies upon a blend of partisan political appointees and career professionals who accumulate expertise. We already see how that's going out the door. According to this report, we're only seeing the beginning.

The director of George Mason's Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security writes, "The kind of purge we are seeing at the top of the US intelligence community I’d expect to see in an authoritarian regime. We seem to be only missing the executions by antitank missile."

Bananas? California Republicans have sent out a fake census document. Because no way Republicans want California fully counted. (What is it with Republicans and fake information? They tried to confuse people here in Lancaster about elections.)

Thank goodness Trump's Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney keeps talking. He's admitted that Republicans only care about deficits when Democrats have power, and that our economy needs immigrants in order to grow. Apparently all in one speech! His loose talk sent Trump proxies to the morning news shows to tamp down expectations: "All we really want to do is create jobs."

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