Friday, February 7, 2020

Learning His Damn Lesson

Senator Susan Collins has backed off her claim that Donald Trump has learned a lesson through the impeachment process. Not that she ever meant it.

But what has Trump learned? Apparently, that he can do anything he damn well pleases.

From now on, politically sensitive investigations must go through the Attorney General. In other words, Trump's appointed AG rather than through nonpartisan investigators. We've already seen Barr lie about the Mueller Report, launch an international investigation against the people who looked into Russia's interference in the last political election, and dig for dirt on Turmp's political rivals.

Effectively, this means Trump is immune from criminal justice, while his opponents had better duck and cover.

The Treasury Department has sent confidential bank records belonging to Hunter Biden to Senate committees, which are of course led by Republicans.

By the way, "reassignment" counts as retaliation according to the law.

Update: They even fired Vindman's brother (!!!) from the NSC today.

On the current level of crazy: the National Association of Manufacturers today chose Ivanka Trump for its Alexander Hamilton award: "Like no one in government has ever done, she has provided singular leadership and shown an unwavering commitment to manufacturing."

In other news, Secret Service has paid as much as $650 a night for rooms at Trump properties.

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