Thursday, February 13, 2020

We Know Where This Train Stops

It's not possible for democracy to thrive if Trump gets away with punishing people who have caused him trouble. This ends one of two ways: with us driving Trump out of office, or with the United States dissolving into another Russia. And as John Kelly put it, Russia is "a society in collapse."

(By the way, remember how Trump has gone after Jeff Bezos: attacks on Twitter, steering Pentagon business away from Amazon, when Amazon is the top provider, and the National Enquirer bit on Bezos' affair.)

Also, Jessie Liu, the attorney who led the Roger Stone prosecution (and Andy McCabe investigation, which has not led to charges), resigned today, joining four other prosecutors who resigned over the rollback of Stone's sentencing recommendation. Trump had nominated Liu to a key Treasury Department position, then rescinded her nomination when the Stone rollback occurred. A key part of the story (new news):
On the day Liu left [having been nominated], the Justice Department submitted a softer sentencing recommendation for Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. 
 Pretty damn crooked, I'd say.

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