Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Can't Handle the Truth

Today Dr. Anthony Fauci told lawmakers:
If we are complacent and don’t do really aggressive containment and mitigation, the number could go way up and be involved in many, many millions. If we contain we could flatten it.
"Many, many millions."

Then, suddenly, he was called from the hearing to another meeting. Trump administration peeps said it was a regular, already scheduled meeting. Except they couldn't say what the meeting was--nor had Congress been advised.

By the way, Angela Merkel predicts that 60-70% of Germans will come in contact with the virus. But it's all fine.

NBC NEWS: The attending physician of the U.S. Congress & Supreme Court, Dr. Brian Monahan, briefed Senate Staff yesterday in a closed-door meeting that he expects anywhere from 70 up to 150 million people in the U.S. to contract coronavirus, per two sources.

How committed is Trump to covering up his Covid-19 shortcomings? Well, he's asked William Barr to investigate press reporting of the pandemic.

And whose side is Trump on? He's targeting aid toward energy companies and toward the hospitality industry. (Himself.)

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