Monday, March 23, 2020

Double-Dog Danger

The coronavirus is scary enough.

But Trump and his minions are cooking up a totally unnecessary secondary danger: let's abandon vulnerable people just to save our economic numbers.

Last night 45* tweeted this cryptic message.

Immediately the alarms went off. Is Trump willing to let tens (or hundreds) of thousands of people die just to save his economic numbers? Are we that cold blooded?

I thought about sharing Trump's tweet right away. But it was so vague, I didn't want to ascribe motives to him that I couldn't document. (And with Trump, I think the worst.) Today I've had some time to think about it.

First, we have Trumpists normalizing the sentiment that we can let, get this, 2.5% percent of the population just slide into the afterlife because they're expensive and not productive enough.
Wait, didn't their labor build this fucking society? And wait, that's my Dad you're talking about!

Oh, and 2.5% of 350 million? That's 8.75 million people who are not expendable. Conservatives, my ass.

The thing is, messages like these happen by coordination. Trump says something outrageous, counting on support from his minions. Last night FoxNews voices Laura Ingraham and Brit Hume were trumpeting a Medium post--now removed by Medium because it has been totally debunked--minimizing the threat posed by the coronavirus.

All this while Senate Republicans try to twist epidemic relief legislation so as to flood money toward the rich and leave ordinary people picking for scraps. It's no accident. It's a pattern. Let's remember: Trump has put off using the Defense Production Act to require that manufacturers to supply ventilators, masks, and respirators because big business complained.

Remember, kids: the key to a vital economy is that ordinary people have money in their pockets--because ordinary people spend money. Rich people hoard it.

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