Monday, March 9, 2020

The Covid-19 Apocalypse

No, Covid-19 is not the end of the world. Climate change may be, so far as humans are concerned. Maybe an atomic disaster. But not the virus.

But Covid-19 is an apocalypse. An apokalypsis is a revelation, an unveiling of the truth. And howdy, is this virus bringing out the truth about the Trump administration. They will always, always seek their own political advantage over and above any other consideration.

We knew this already from #TrumpRussia and from the Ukraine-impeachment scandal. But somehow Trump's supporters have maintained the fiction that Trump is putting America first.

The crucial moment may have come when Trump discussed a quarantined cruise ship. 45* blurted out: "They'd like to have the people come off, I would rather have the people stay. But I'd go with them. I told them to make the final decision.... Because I'd like to have the numbers where they are. I don't need the numbers to double because of one ship that wasn't our fault. Frankly, if it were up to me, I would be inclined to say leave everybody on the ship for a period of time and use the ship as your base."

"That wasn't our fault." That's all that matters to Trump.

How much is Trump out for Trump? When CDC officials recommended the government should tell elderly and frail people not to fly commercial, the White House shot them down. "Shot them down" is a pun here. Run with it.

In other words, screw the Americans on the ship. So long at they're stuck onboard with no food but lots of infected companions, the numbers will look better.

The obvious mendacity leaves Trump exposed. Markets will tolerate only so much bullshit, and as I type the Dow Jones is down over 1900 points from Friday's close.

CNN is saying it out loud. John Avalon did a set piece on Trump's "misinformation" campaign and the harm it's doing. The World Health Organization is warning about an "infodemic."

But hey, lying is hardly new to Trump. He just retweeted his campaign's faux video, edited to make it appear that Biden had accidentally endorsed Trump. As soon as Biden crushed Super Tuesday, Senate Republicans announced an investigation of the Bidens and Ukraine--same shit they did repeatedly to Hillary Clinton. And because Mitt Romney may not support this investigation, guess what? Now Trumpists are accusing Romney of having ties to Burisma.

The cover's being pulled off this presidency. Maybe enough for a good number of Trumpists to see it for what it is.

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