Monday, May 18, 2020

A Blizzard of (Illegal) Poo

We already had our wipers on, but no way we were prepared for this shitstorm. As always, drive carefully, but remember: there's always a crime behind the poo.
Eyes on the prize: where's the crime? We have two pretty big ones going on at the same time: another removal of an inspector general to cover up wrongdoing, and--again--the misuse of government resources to promote massive disinformation.

Donald Trump has just fired another inspector general, this time State Department IG Steve Linick. That makes four IGs in just six weeks, an unprecedented attack on government accountability. Eventually it came out Linick was axed at the request of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, presumably because Linick was investigating Pompeo's misuse of State Department staff. Did Pompeo
made a staffer walk his dog, pick up his dry cleaning and make dinner reservations for Pompeo and his wife, among other personal errands, according to two congressional officials assigned to different committees?
What is it with Trump appointees misusing government resources to make their own lives more luxurious? 

But House Foreign Affairs chair Eliot Engel says there's a bigger reason.
I have learned that there may be another reason for Mr. Linick's firing. His office was investigating—at my request—Trump's phony declaration of an emergency so he could send weapons to Saudi Arabia. We don't have the full picture yet, but it's troubling that Secretary Pompeo wanted Mr. Linick pushed out before this work could be completed. 
So this is how it works. Trumpsters know that, when they're busted for shitting the ethical bed, they need only fire a signal flare, and Donald will clean up their poo. Inspectors General are there precisely to keep this stuff from happening. 

Shit gets deeper. Daily Beast reporters have uncovered a deeply troubling scheme. Congress has received a report from Department of Defense contractors, attesting that the coronavirus indeed emerged from a Wuhan lab. Before I say more, let's be clear: the Daily Beast reporters have revealed the report to be bullshit. Its key pieces of "evidence" don't hold up.

To set the scene, Trump is desperate to blame someone else for the coronavirus. The US has less than 5 percent of the world's population but 28 percent of the pandemic's deaths. So Trump targets everybody else. His favorite target is a research lab in Wuhan, the city where the virus originated. But the genetic evidence strongly rules out a laboratory origin for the virus.

No problem for Trump. If he wants evidence, he'll go to WikiLinks. Or Russia. Or the Ukraine. He's asked for it from China. Now it's a defense contractor. The report came out days after Pompeo said there was "enormous evidence" the virus came from the lab; now he says, "We know it began in Wuhan, but we don't know from where or from whom."

I shit you not. Remember: the New York Times had already reported Trump was pressuring government agencies to cook up evidence on this horseshit story. You could scarcely imagine a greater corruption of government than this.

Thus the blizzard of poo. Whenever Trump's in trouble, the poo flies fast and thick. But the shamelessness, piling on after the Obamagate scam, is reaching new depths.

Over the weekend Eric Trump trotted out the theory that Democrats were spreading the coronavirus to get Biden elected. The virus is protecting Biden from saying something stupid in public (okay, 5 points for Slytherin there), and it's keeping Trump from holding rallies. No question, the pandemic is hurting Trump in lots of ways. Then little Eric abandoned the reality tent.
You watch, they'll milk it every single day between now and Nov. 3. And guess what, after Nov. 3, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen.
I'm telling you, they'll say anything. And they're happy to wallow in poo. They literally don't care. Here's Trump advisor Peter Navarro talking with ABC's George Stephanopoulos:
NAVARRO: Yeah, well Joe Biden's has got 40 years of sucking up to the Chinese, including the eight years as vice president. And we know about the billion dollars that his son took from the Chinese.

STEPHANOPOULOS: That's just not factual, sir. That is not a fact. He did not take a billion dollars from the Chinese.

NAVARRO: Went into that hedge fund.

Be that as it may, I do think this election is going to be a referendum in many ways on China.
"Be that as it may." Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 

No, wait. Don't smoke poo. It's not healthy. 

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