Friday, May 22, 2020

Big Day with Trump and the Nazis

Every once in awhile Trump lets out his authentic Nazi. That sounds like a lot, but you know, his dad was a Nazi and his ex-wife, long before he was running for president, said he kept Hitler's speeches on his nightstand. 

Think for a minute how important something must be to Trump to get him to read.

Thursday was one of those "do your Nazi self" days for Donald. 

He visited a Ford plant in Michigan. Besides being told to wear a mask, wearing a mask, and then taking off the mask, Trump offered this beauty (video here): 
The company founded by a man named Henry Ford. Good blood lines, good blood lines, if you believe in that stuff, you've got good blood.
There's a lot going on here. First, Henry Ford was a strident anti-Semite, and his companies retooled their German operations to produce military equipment for the Nazis. (So did GM.) Moreover, Trump's dad was all about eugenics, the Nazi-friendly science of which groups had "good genes" and which did not. Trump seems obsessed with genetics. "Good blood lines," he said yesterday.

Over on Israel, you can bet Haaretz picked up the story. So did the Anti-Defamation League, which has a resource page on Henry Ford.

You know who else would have picked up on Trump's reference to Ford? American Nazis and other racists, whose own materials Trump has frequently retweeted.

At the Ford plant, Trump also repeated his lie about having been named Michigan Man of the Year. He's never received such an award

Trump also took the time to rage-tweet about FoxNews in his distinctive Nazi-whispering way.
Many will disagree, but @FoxNews is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd. Sure, there are some truly GREAT people on Fox, but you also have some real “garbage” littered all over the network, people like Dummy Juan Williams, Schumerite Chris....
 ....Hahn, Richard Goodstein, Donna Brazile, Niel Cavuto, and many others. They repeat the worst of the Democrat speaking points, and lies. All of the good is totally nullified, and more. Net Result = BAD! CNN & MSDNC are all in for the Do Nothing Democrats! Fox WAS Great!
The first four names, best I can tell, target Jews and African Americans. "Dummy" Juan Williams. "Schumerite" Chris Hahn. I don't know anything about Richard Goodstein, but I have a guess. Note too the Nazi rhetoric of people as "garbage."
If you're missing the Nazi messages, that's on you. The Nazis are not.

(Remarkably, I wrote all this before Joe Biden's "ain't black" comment. It's not mine to speak on behalf of black Americans. As a white American, I think Biden's comment is regrettable. In any case, this column isn't an attempt to exempt Biden from criticism that's due him.)

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