Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"You're Being Ugly"

I grew up in Alabama, and I'm old enough to remember acting when acting bratty would earn the rebuke, "You're being ugly."

Folks, Donald Trump is getting bad polling news, and he's acting ugly. We can count on it getting worse. 

Trump is losing support where it counts. Older voters, particularly women, and independents are turning against him. A recent FoxNews poll has Biden ahead of Trump by 13 points among independents and--hold your pants--17 among seniors. Trump won both groups in 2016. Even white evangelical support is crumbling, a possible explanation for Trump's insistence that churches be allowed to open on Memorial Day weekend.

Of course, Trump was on the golf course Sunday, not in church or worshiping online.

When the going gets tough, Trump whines louder, especially on Twitter.
  • He repeated his conspiracy theory/accusation that TV critic Joe Scarborough committed murder while he was a member of Congress. Accusations like these damage democracy, but they also hurt real people. The widower of the Scarborough staffer who died in 2001 issued a request that Twitter delete Trump's tweets on the grounds that they are so harmful to him.
  • Trump even attacked Democratic member of Congress Conor Lamb, a Marine vet, as "an American fraud," misspelling Lamb's name on Twitter. He labeled Lamb "a puppet for Lazy Nancy Pelosi," even though Lamb was one of few House members to vote against Pelosi's speakership.
  • He retweeted several offerings from a GOP activist who can only be labeled a racist. One RT called called Hillary Clinton a "skank." Another called Nancy Pelosi "PolyGrip." A third went all the way in, combining the race card and portraying Stacey Abrams as fat.
This series of tweets was especially revealing, especially concerning Trump's racism. It indicates that Trump didn't come upon those tweets by accident but was scrolling through the troll's feed. (The account is John K. Stahl.) The guy is racist as hell, though he actually denies it in one tweet. That's what they do. In the same batch of tweets Trump was scrolling, Stahl referred to Abrams as Shamu and to Elizabeth Warren by Trump's nickname, Pocahontas. (What color is Shamu?)

In short, Donald Trump knows what kind of material he's retweeting and spends time in racist accounts.

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